Based on the popular Nickelodeon TV series Rugrats, this is the first full-length feature animated movie to star the little tots. It’s the story of diaper-clad kids, told from a…
In an alternate futuristic society, a tough female police detective is paired with a talking dinosaur to find the killer of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals leading them to a…
Melvin White, a neurotic, accident-prone cop who gets demoted to the night shift, secretly moonlights as the Unknown Comic, an anonymous stand-up comedian who performs with a paper bag over…
A bad Polish actor is just trying to make a living when Poland is invaded by the Germans in World War II. His wife has the habit of entertaining young…
After a wave of reports of mysterious attacks involving people and pets being eaten by the traditionally docile fruit, a special government task force is set up to investigate the…
A psychiatrist with intense acrophobia (fear of heights) goes to work for a mental institution run by doctors who appear to be crazier than their patients, and have secrets that…
Focuses on a group of toddlers, most prominently Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica, and their day-to-day lives, usually involving common life experiences that become adventures in the babies’ imaginations….